群馬大学大学院医学系研究科/医学部医学科  群馬大学創基150周年記念事業  群馬大学

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Yoji Andrew Minamishima, M.D., Ph.D.

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Thank you for visiting our website.

Our research interests are on:

  • Regulatory mechanism of energy metabolism in vivo by hypoxia response
  • Regulation of in vivo energy metabolism by sulfur metabolites
  • Mechanisms of production/degradation of phospholipids/bioactive lipids and their functions in vivo
  • Mechanism of cellular senescence induced by cellular metabolism
  • Identification of cancer cell-specific metabolic systems and search for therapeutic targets
  • Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of cellular pathophysiological events by proteome and metabolome (including lipidome) analysis using mass spectrometry
To all undergraduate and master's students, clinicians, dentists, pharmacists, clinical laboratory technicians, and veterinarians who are considering graduate school in the life sciences, we will support your enthusiasm to invest in your future.

If you're interested, just take a look at our web site.

Thank you.

Yoji Andrew Minamishima, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry,
Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine

What's new?

7/1/2024. Discussing this and that about the students' biochemistry lab practice
3/22/2024. M.D.-Ph.D. course student Aiko's graduation ceremony
Aiko's graduation
2/22/2024. Shabushabu party to celebrate Associate Professor Dr. Tatei’s retirement and honor his many years of service
Kazuaki's farewell party
11/17/2023. Felipe's farewell lunch
Felipe's Farewell lunch
8/4/2023. Welcome Sukiyaki party for new graduate students, Bulgan, Junki and Felipe.
3/23/2023. D4 Xian & Keisuke graduated.
Xian and Keisuke graduated
3/15/2023. Xian and Keisuke's farewell & Bulgan's welcome cake party.
Xian and Keisuke's graduation celebration & Bulgan's welcome cake party.
2/21/2023. D4 Keisuke completed his thesis defense.
Keisuke at his thesis defense
2/15/2023. D4 Xian completed her thesis defense.
Xian at her thesis defense
March 2022. D4 Yuma graduated.
Yuma graduated
2/18/2022. Yuma completed his thesis defense.
Yuma at his thesis defense
3/23/2021. D4 Binderiya graduated.
Binderiya graduated
2/15/2021. D4 Binderiya completed her thesis defense.
Binderiya at her thesis defense
March 2020. Gosuke completed his master's degree course.
Gosuke was Graduated

最終更新日: 3/22/2024


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